jueves, abril 28, 2011

Death of David Wilkerson

A great man of God died yesterday..David Wilkerson was a great preacher, prophet, evangelist, apostol and pastor.

One of his great preaching can be heard below:

Some of his prophecies are listed here:

  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Wilkerson#Prophecies
  • http://www.bereanpublishers.com/End_Time_Prophecies/david_wilkerson%27s_end-time_vision.htm
  • http://www.bereanpublishers.com/End_Time_Prophecies/america%27s_golden_calf_is_coming_down.htm

A renowned evangelist, he converted Nicky Cruz, a well known evangelist and former gang leader in New York. An incredible story:

Shortly after, a preacher by the name of David Wilkerson was preaching in the neighborhood when Cruz encountered him. The preacher told Cruz that Jesus loved him and would never stop loving him. A shocked Cruz responded by slapping Wilkerson and threatening to kill him. Wilkerson looked Cruz in the face and said that he could cut Wilkerson into a thousand pieces, but every piece would still say Jesus loves him. Wilkerson said that no one can kill love, and that God is love. That afternoon the preacher showed up at the Mau Mau's headquarters to repeat his message, and was slapped again by Cruz. Wilkerson just smiled, and then prayed for Nicky.[1][2]

Two weeks later, Wilkerson had an evangelistic meeting in the neighborhood. When Cruz heard about it, he decided to go and teach the preacher a "lesson" and, with some of the members of his gang, he headed for the boxing arena where the rally was being held, on a bus sent specially by Wilkerson. According to Cruz, when he arrived at the arena, he felt guilty about the things that he had done and started to pray. Wilkerson preached, then asked the Mau Maus to take up a collection. Nicky sprang to his feet and led a group of the gang through the crowd insisting on people giving money. Going backstage, he saw an exit, but was struck by the fact that someone had actually trusted him. He gave the money to Wilkerson on stage. Later, Wilkerson gave an altar call, and many gang members responded. Wilkerson prayed with Cruz, and Cruz asked God to forgive him.[1][2]

The following day Cruz and some of the gang members who converted went to the police and turned in all of their bricks, handguns and knives, shocking the police officers in the station. They said that if they had seen the group approaching, they probably would have shot them down. Cruz began to study the Bible and went to Bible College. He became a preacher and returned to his old neighborhood, where he preached and persuaded some of the Mau-Maus to accept Jesus, including the gang's new leader, Israel Narvaez.[1][2]

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicky_Cruz#Conversion

A great apostol and pastor, founding the Times Square Church in New York City, see the video of the history of this church established to serve the most needed in NYC. http://www.tscnyc.org/media_center.php?pg=videos&mi=21344

We have a lost a great man of God yesterday. Let's pray that God may lift up more Wilkerson in our time for our sons and daughters, our friends and neighbors to be touch by the power of God.

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