martes, octubre 28, 2008

Y se inicia el Campus Party Iberoamerica! en mi tierra natal!

Me alegro mucho por mis compatriotas...que podran festejar en esta fiesta tecnologica tan afamada!, quisiera poder compartir con mi gente y aquellos visitantes pero lastimosamente mi situacion (migratoria...H1-B) no me lo permite!!! sino hasta el otro año!.
Watch live video from CampusParty 2008 El Salvador on A aquellos que van, ciudadanos salvadoreños les sugiero una cosa nada mas...sean mis hospitalarios y hagan cuanto amigo puedan, pues son estos eventos los que no solo abren barreras tecnologicas en la region sino unen culturas y tienen el potencial de crear amistad que duran mucho mas que un evento de dias...sino se logra crear "campus parties" de años!!! Estoy ansioso por las fotos y videos de todo lo que haran!!!....tengo mucha expectativa para que los jovenes de mi lindo pais salgan motivados de tal evento y se conviertan en agentes de cambio en sus lugares de origen y asi lleven tecnologia y mas a cada rincon de El Salvador! Sinceramente, guanacux

jueves, octubre 23, 2008


El otro dia estaba pensando que queria seguir trabajando en desarrollo de sistemas y diseño web, pues sino me voy a volver obsoleto, y encontre unos tips en la web muy bueno de como hacer dinero con proyectos cortos y aun seguir usando nuestras habilidades y experiencia:

Aqui estan:

1. Get involved in an open-source project
It's where the most interesting and influential products are being developed, and more importantly, many open-source projects are filled with people who are also connected to companies that pay their engineers. Plus, obviously, working on a development project will keep you sharp and expand your skill set.

2. Go to start-up fairs
Wherever people are pitching new businesses, be there. They're all hiring. If not now, then soon. I am partial to the Under the Radar series (I helped start them and moderate at many of them), and there are several a year. Update: I just talked with the organizers of the next UTR event, which focuses on mobility startups, and they've created a special pink slip discount: $200 off admission, includes entry to the opening night reception for even more networking. There are 20 tickets at this rate.

3. Get project work
You may not have a daily gig, but you still have your skills, and there are people who need them. Head over to a project marketplace like oDesk and pick up some work.

4. Update your profiles
Go to your pages on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter etc., and let people know you are available for new projects. While you're at it, proactively send out notes to your trusted associates that you are looking for work. As we say here at CNET: "duh."

5. Learn some new skills
No, I don't mean to learn Rails if you're a Java guy. That's obvious. I mean cooking, rock climbing, riding a motorcycle--something that you didn't have the time to do while you were an FTE.

6. Answer some questions
Scan Friendfeed and Twitter Search for people asking questions in your areas of expertise, hang out in message boards on things you know stuff about. You'll see what's going on in the industry, you might be able to help people out (always worthwhile), and you might also land a tip for a gig.

7. Get a girlfriend or boyfriend
Don't let the fact that you have no job, per se, slow you down. You can still earn some dough. You will have more control over your schedule. And you can spend some of your newfound time with your new friend, assuming this friend doesn't have his or her own 18-hour-a-day engineering job.

8. Campaign in a swing state
Hurry up, though.

9. Take some time off
"Invest a little and travel to a seaside town in Mexico, even if it's just a few days. Mexico is easy to get to, it might be cheaper to live there, and lying on a beach is certainly not a bad way to contemplate what you want to do with the rest of your career. At the very least, you'll see people who get by on a lot less than we make."

10. Move out of the Bay Area
Just a thought: This is a very expensive place to live, and the economy is heavily tilted to tech. If you have other skills, you might find a better market for them elsewhere, and it will be less expensive to maintain your lifestyle. Plus, you can continue to do project work.

11. Buy a new rig
Yes, you're going to have to do the obvious and odious task of taking a financial inventory and cutting back on your expenses, but you will also need current tools to pick up projects. You'll be more positive about working on those projects if you're doing it on a shiny new system configured just the way you like.

12. Take pictures
Put your $1,500 dSLR to use by selling stock-art pictures of household objects to Fotolia, ShutterStock, iStockphoto, StockXpert, etc. "It's cheap for people to buy images compared to the traditional stock (photo) market, but it can be lucrative over time because images sell over and over. I've made money without trying too hard. But quality standards are going up, so you can't just upload any old crap. Brush up on your model releases."

13. Volunteer
"It can build new skills (like leadership), a new portfolio. Someone capable of making their kid's Boy Scout troop turn a profit suddenly looks a lot more proactive than the shlub who catches up on reruns while waiting for Craigslist to pay off."

14. Start your own company
If you have some savings and can afford to work for peanuts (or less), it's a great time to start a company. Without the annoying distraction of a booming economy, you can focus on building a product to solve a problem you know people will have again when the economy loosens up. There is still funding, even, for early-stage companies. What should you build? We leave that as an exercise for the reader.

Fuente: cnet news


El dia de ayer vi esta conferencia transmitida en vivo desde Atlanta donde Paul Washer habla de 10 criticas o acusaciones que le hace a la iglesia en America del Norte que muy bien aplica para toda nuestra querida America Latina. Les motivo a que lo lean, pronto podran verlo tambien, en sermonindex pondran los videos de tal predica, habian casi 500 personas conectadas en linea viendo esto, fue buenisimo, y hoy termina esta conferencia por cierto, asi que si tiene tiempo pueden entrar a:

Las acusaciones estan en el siguiente enlace:

Ten Indictments (A Historical 21st Century Message) by Paul Washer

Preached Wednesday, October 22nd at the Revival Conference in Atlanta, Georgia. Paul Washer delivers a urgent appeal to the Christians and Churches in North America that many have been believing a false gospel and have false assurance of their salvation. He lists 10 indictments against the modern Church system in America. This is a historical urgent message, tell others and spread the message. We need a reformation and revival of a biblical standard!


Jorge Luis Arévalo

martes, octubre 21, 2008

Revival Conference!!!

Desde hoy martes hasta el jueves, habra una conferencia transmitiendo por ustream..."revival conference 2008", esta llena de predicadores de primera categoria, entre ellos Paul Washer (el dia miercoles por la noche)...les invito a que lo vean a sea aqui o en el canal de ustream

Video chat rooms at Ustream

viernes, octubre 17, 2008

Sayonara a Dell de nuestro querido pais...Hello Stream!

En un comunicado de prensa, el dia 15 de octubre se oficializo la venta del 100% de los activos del contact center de DELL en El Salvador (fuente:

El diario de hoy tiene esto en español de igual forma (ver noticia aqui)

Quisiera saber que es lo que realmente se murmura o se conoce dentro de DELL en El Salvador, la estabilidad laboral de tanta gente que estuvo en empresas de telecomunicaciones antes y ahora despues de a penas 3 años estan siendo tomados (en lo que algunas llaman una toma al estilo white knight) por una nueva empresa, el choque de culturas laborales no es algo facil de manejar en una empresa, especialmente cuando viene una que toma todas las acciones...mis mejores deseos a mis ex-colegas de Telecom que partieron a Dell en el 2005. Que DIOS les guarde en esta transicion.

jueves, octubre 02, 2008

Same Sex Marriage Implications

I wish I could vote, so I would be able to help the future generation of children from being taught that same sex marriage is OK, when is clearly something against GOD's will, against are very human nature!

miércoles, octubre 01, 2008

Bienvenido a Chase....

Ayer fui a depositar unos cheques al banco (WAMU) y me dice la cajera, no desea abrir una cuenta de ahorros con nosotros....y yo le dije no gracias...ella me responde porque?....le digo: Realmente quiere saber? (quiza esta tipa no ha visto las noticias, pero trabaja para este banco)...fui un poco cortes y solo le dije que aun no me decidia con quien hacerlo pero la verdad es que aun la cuenta corriente pienso en retirarla de WAMU...

martes, septiembre 30, 2008

Se privatizan los beneficios pero se socializan las pérdidas.

"se confirma una ley del cinismo neoliberal: se privatizan los beneficios
pero se socializan las pérdidas. Se hace pagar a los pobres las
excentricidades irracionales de los banqueros, y se les amenaza, en
caso de que se nieguen a pagar, con empobrecerlos aún más."

Eso contextualiza mucho de lo que esta sucediendo hoy en dia en Norte América y el colapso del capitalismo como lo conociamos...este artículo tiene un punto de vista bien radical de lo que va suceder en la economía mundial...lo recomiendo:

La crisis del Siglo

viernes, septiembre 26, 2008

Acaso el capitalismo esta tomando medidas socialistas aqui en EEUU, yo pienso que si!

Seguimos en decadencia, ahora con mi banco de ahorros...WAMU

El banco mas grande en la historia de los EEUU ha colapsado...$700 billones es lo que los contribuyentes de impuestos en EEUU (siiii incluyendome) tendran que pagar por la catarata economica a la que se enfrenta este pais...una persona a la que considero muy sabia me dijo...que en verdad este pais critica el socialismo tanto y ahora estan tomando medidas muy parecidas a las del socialismo...haciendose cargo de la banca de este pais y las aseguradoras mas grande...mientras la ideologia en que ellos creen, "EL LIBRE MERCADO" tuviera que estabilizar por si solo...sin la intervencion gubernamental...Uno solo se puede poner a pensar en que los politicos en este pais (y muchos mas incluyendo el mio) juegan la carta que mas les convenga...el capitalismo si ellos estan siendo beneficiados, y ahora una especia de "ayuda gubernamental" cuando las empresas capitalistas no pueden sostenerse....claro que el pueblo americano no ve esto pues ellos piensan que el socialismo solo le quita privilegios al pueblo de crecer economicamente...mientras que el capitalismo te permite seguir "el sueño americano", el cual ahora se esta conviritiendo en una pesadilla para aquellos que tienen que pagar impuestos al gobierno por la falta de destreza de gerentes (millonarios por cierto) que no han podido manejar los bienes del pueblo en inversiones terrible lo que esta sucediendo....y a la vez es alentador que algunos puedan entender que hasta el actual imperio mas grande del mundo no puede sostenerse a flote en medio de esta crisis economica global.

Estoy muy a la espero de los comentarios de aquellos pro capitalismo y pro socialismo....


jueves, septiembre 25, 2008

Desastre en las bolsas de valores, bancarotas, buyout, y mas...

Aqui estan mis 5 centavos acerca de lo que hemos visto en las noticias en esta semana....

Con todo el desmadre que ha pasado en wall street en estos dias...yo ni un seguro de carros quisiera comprar, solo lo hago pues es ley hacerlo...esta mara esta declarando bancarota y tu dinero se va por la borda...este gobierno no va logra sostener esta economia, es demasiado tarde para hacerse cargo de la banca, ahora por mas palabras de aliento que el presidente diga, la confianza esta asombra que los medios al fin estan transmitiendo lo que ha estado sucediendo ya desde hace tiempo en esta economia, yo diria desde principios del año verdad si da miedo estar en medio de estos tiempos, la guerra en particular se va comer vivo a este pais...a uno solo le cuentan como fue la recesion aqui en EEUU pero hoy lo vamos a vivir en carne y solo los que vivimos en EEUU sino tambien aquellos atados a esta economia como lo es nuestro querido pais...Aqui es solo de agarrarse pues este barco se tiempo de ahorro y no particularmente en la bolsa de valores sino en la bolsa del pantalon!

Comments anyone?
Jorge Luis Arévalo

martes, septiembre 16, 2008

Se me olvido el dia de la independencia

Ahora, al ver la fecha en mi computador, me di cuenta que era 16 de Septiembre, el dia de ayer 15 de Sept, fue el dia de la independencia de nuestra querida patria, y yo no tuve el mas minimo recuerdo de ella, esto me pone a meditar si realmente mi estancia aqui en el extranjero esta realmente ayudandome a poder regresar a mi pais y ser un agente de cambio o al contrario, esta haciendo que me olvide de mi querido pais.

Celebro aun tarde, un dia tan memorable en nuestro pais...

Feliz Dia de la Independencia queridos compatriotas!, para bien o mal somos "libres" (demasiada tela que cortar aqui, mejor pongo comillas).

lunes, septiembre 08, 2008

Blogging from IMified

This is just a test of a post from my IM client (I use meebo) with a widget call imified, is pretty cool actually, a bit slow, but nice...

jueves, julio 24, 2008

Roadtrip California-Nevada-Utah-Colorado-Nebraska-Iowa-Illinois

Empieza una nueva etapa de mi vida mañana. Parto a mi nuevo trabajo en Chicago...ruta:

View Larger Map

Espero tomar fotos y video del viaje....y las comparto por aqui...

jueves, julio 10, 2008

The story of stuff or the story of us?

Sometimes you think you know it all, or heard it all at least. Specially when someone wants to talk to you about recycling, or climate change, etc. Well, when I came across this message, I reflected on it. I realized I knew everything about the message, yet I had not done anything to change my consuming behavior, nor my recycling one, or any other behavior that can counter effect what we are doing to this planet.

So whether you know it already or not. Please take a look and then starting contributing for a better life for the many to come...

Full video available at: The Story of Stuff
God Bless!

miércoles, julio 02, 2008

Rescatan a Ingrid Betancourt

Tras mas de 6 años de fallidas negociaciones entre el movimiento revolucionario de Colombia, gobiernos y organizaciones internacionales, es rescatada la tan reconocida Ingrid Betancourt. Un simbolo que sirvio para dar a conocer a la comunidad internacional la crisis que se vive en la lucha por la paz en Colombia.

Es un dia victorioso no solo para la familia de Ingrid Betancourt, sino para Colombia y el mundo entero.

Aqui os dejo con un video tomado de youtube donde se ven las primeras tomas de Ingrid al abrazarse con su madre, un momento que sin duda quedara marcado en la historia como un suceso trascendetal de esta lucha por la paz en Colombia.

lunes, junio 23, 2008

El Schindler salvadoreño

Un amigo me envio esta noticia, esta buena...desconocia de las acciones de este salvadoreno durante el exterminio judio por los nazi's. Es un verdadero orgullo salvadoreño las acciones que este señor hizo durante ese periodo tan doloroso para la humanidad.

Esta buena, echenle un ojo:

martes, enero 15, 2008

Maltrato a animales

Sinceremante nunca he estado a favor de perder el tiempo para luchar contra el maltrato a los animales mientras existe el maltrato de personas y demas cosas que considero mas importantes, sin embargo, no dejo de estar de acuerdo con que la siguiente practica es completamente erronea e inmoral.

Vean por sus propios ojos el proceso inicial por el cual su abrigo o cualquier vestimenta de piel pasa.

Pledge to go fur-free at

martes, enero 01, 2008

Feliz 2008

Click to play Feliz+A%C3%B1o+Nuevo+2008
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Jorge Luis Arévalo, Jr.

To be an agent of change for a marketing department, developing and implementing new product ideas with the goal of increasing market value for the company.

2009-2009 Graduate Certificate in Project Management. Saint Xavier University. Chicago, IL, USA. (GPA 4.00 / 4.00)
2006-2007 Master in Business and Administration. Marketing Concentration. Southern Illinois University. Carbondale, IL, USA. (GPA 3.75 / 4.00)
1999-2005 Information Systems Engineer. University of El Salvador. (GPA 8.26 / 10.00)

2008-Current Data Manager and Assessment Coordinator. School of Education. Saint Xavier University. Chicago, IL, USA.

2006-2007 Graduate Assistant for the implementation of an assessment system for the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) for the College of Education and Human Services (COEHS) at Southern Illinois University. Among the functions performed were data mining and database reporting tasks required for the project and faculty in several course related benchmarks, faculty and student instruction on the usage of a web based portfolio management tool (, creating and maintaining the project website (, among other IT related tasks.

2006-2007 Research Assistant for a research conducted by Dr. Peter J. Fadde in the department of Curriculum and Instruction at the College of Education and Human Services at Southern Illinois University. Responsibilities included the development of software application that met specifications and requirements according to the research. This was programmed in an object oriented programming language as Microsoft Visual Basic with Microsoft Access Database Connectivity. The main research consisted of a perceptual decision making application that through an interactive video training method tested the enhancement of cognitive recognition in a rapid response performance skills. The method comprises in identifying a cognitive component of performance skill requiring a rapid response in a limited time, developing video occlusion techniques to measure cognitive expertise of an individual in recognizing and selecting an accurate response, and applying the video occlusion techniques for the purpose of mediated training to enhance an individual's skills in recognizing and selecting an accurate response in the performance skill.

2006-2006 Data Clerk for International Students and Scholars Office at Southern Illinois University. Tasks included the input of potential international student candidates into a database system, which would facilitate the follow up of the enrollment applications of these students. Contributions were also made to the development their website and connectivity with other institutions through filemaker databases.

2004-2005 Server Administrator & Software Engineer. NEKOTEC Technologies. The main responsibilities were to develop Interactive Voice Response (IVR) and Short Message Service (SMS) Applications. The applications developed were capable of interacting with customers and guiding them through a dynamic menu upon their telephone, voice or SMS input. Installation and configuration of telecom and database servers in an E-carrier telecommunication standard (E1). Most projects included analyzing and negotiating business to technical requirements. IT related tasks also included the development of telecom applications and web based frontend reporting portals performed with PHP programming and MySQL databases. Our predominant clients were Telecom operators from El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras and Guatemala. We also performed Political Automated Campaigns, Collect Call Systems, Spam Calls Filtering Systems, and Advertisement through automated calling, all of these in connection with several Call Centers.

2003-2003 Software Architect for the Ministry of Education in El Salvador. The main task was to developed a Financial, Academic & Human Resources Software that would contribute to the Adult Education Unit. (University Social Service).

2002-present Webhoster / Web design for: “”, “Ashtan Contractors, Inc.”, “Unicare Health Services. Newbury Park, CA”, “Christian Church Juda. El Salvador”, “Medishop. El Salvador”, “Ingenieria Util Contractors. El Salvador”, “Mortuary San Jose. El Salvador”, “Christian Church Fraternidad Cristiana. El Salvador”, “Valencia Respiratory Services. Newhall, CA”

2010-2011 Applied Classical Guitar Lessons. Music Department. Saint Xavier University. Chicago, IL
2010-2010 Photography I. Art Department. Saint Xavier University. Chicago, IL
2004-2005 NK90 IVR Server Programming; Configuration. Nekotec Telecom. México City, Mexico.
2004-2004 Visual Basic.NET & SQL SERVER Programming. University of El Salvador.
2004-2004 GNU/Linux Server Advanced Configuration. University of El Salvador.
2004-2004 PHP/ MySQL Web Programming. University of El Salvador.
2004-2004 Python programming under GNU/Linux. Electrical Engineering School, University of El Salvador.
2003-2003 GNU/Linux Operating System. University of El Salvador.
2002-2002 Computer Hardware Diagnostic & Repair. University of El Salvador.
2002-2002 Computer Networking Installations. University of El Salvador.
2001-2001 CAD Design and Programming in AutoCAD. University of El Salvador
2000-2000 Visual Fox Pro Programming. ITCA-FEPADE. El Salvador
2000-2000 Web Design. ITCA-FEPADE. Santa Ana, El Salvador

2005 Thesis “Wireless Network Design of the Campus of the University of El Salvador, West Faculty”. University of El Salvador. Santa Ana, El Salvador.

Installation & Configuration of “Peanut Linux”, Operating System based on UMSDOS file system. First GNU/Linux Festival. University of El Salvador.

  • Founding Member of the Linux User Group of El Salvador ( and Debian User Group of El Salvador (
  • Beta Gamma Sigma Academic Honor Society

  • Nomination for Most Outstanding International MBA Student of the Year. Southern Illinois University (2008)
  • Academic Honors and Full Scholarship in the degree of Engineer in Computer Science at the University of El Salvador, El Salvador. (GPA 8.26 / 10)

  • Fully Fluent Proficient English
  • Native Spanish