miércoles, octubre 05, 2011

Humanity has lost a great man today. An Einstein of innovation.

Today, Steve Jobs has died. To most of us he was the icon of the well known Apple Computers, iPods, iPhones and iPads; a cultural icon of our era. I would dare say that up until today, no one else has made more innovations in the field of digital computing media as he did. We truly lost a great mind, an Einstein of his field. The world changed drastically because of his ingenuity. I'm sure the first thing that comes to mind is computers, music and phones but there is so much more behind the uses of Apple devices. Many hospitals utilize these technological gizmos to heal people and first responders (fireman, police) as well are able to save more people's life because of his product. I know the name Steve Jobs only rings a bell in the Western world but the influence of his life's work has impacted every human being on this planet, no one can argue with that.

Many will wonder, what will Apple do without him or who will inherit his fortune. What I thought when he died was: Did he knew Jesus? I hope so.

So long Steve, I sure hope we see each other some day...

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